Month: June 2018

Make a Living From Home and Do What You Love: How Would Your Life Change?

How would your life change if you could make a living from home and do what you love?

Make a Living From Home and Do What You Love: How Would Your Life Change?

Imagine it’s Monday morning…

You look at your clock — it’s 9:30 am. No worries! It’s not like you have to get up ridiculously early because you need to be on time for work.

Happiness is… not having to set the alarm clock for the next day. It’s the best way to get enough sleep and wake up refreshed in the morning.

You look out the window. The sky is clear blue. It’s going to be another great day!

You have time to enjoy a long, leisurely breakfast… again. After eating, you decide to linger over a cup of coffee while checking your social media status updates.

You notice a post on Facebook from a friend complaining about his hellish morning commute. It took him more than an hour to get to work! To make matters worse, he had to put up with nasty comments from his boss because he was 15 minutes late. He was really stressed out from the rush hour traffic… and now, he’s fuming about being disrespected at work.

You’ve been there… and you totally understand his frustration.

You will never forget how hard it was! The alarm going off…. Rushing to work no matter how tired and sleepy you are…. The stress and drudgery of the morning commute….

This is the life for millions of people around the world… stuck in the 9-to-5 grind.

That used to be your life, too…

But, now you work at home — and you’re the boss.

  • You can start work whenever you want. There’s no clock to punch.
  • You can wear whatever you want. There’s no dress code to follow. You can work in your pajamas, shorts, sweats or whatever is comfortable for you.
  • You can work wherever you want; you can go to a park or cafĆ© for a change of scenery anytime you want.
  • You can take a break and spend time with your family or friends anytime you want.
  • You can go out for an afternoon on the beach… whenever you feel like it.
  • You can take some time off whenever you want (for as long as you want).

No one deserves to get stuck in a job they hate. Life is too short.

  • No more stress from your morning and evening commute. No more time wasted trapped between cars during rush hour traffic.
  • No more controlling bosses monitoring how long youā€™ve been away from your desk.

Working from home allows you to have the freedom and flexibility to enjoy your day. You have control of your day. You are in charge of your own life.

Finally, no more Sunday night blues for you… because now you love Mondays.

You, too, can escape the 9-to-5 grind.

You can take baby steps when you’re just starting out. You can start making extra money in your spare time… even if you have a full-time job.

Imagine how it would feel if you made an extra $1,000 a month…

What would you do with your money?

  • Pay off your credit cards or student loans?
  • Move your family to a better and safer neighborhood?
  • Boost your savings and emergency fund?
  • Drive a newer and nicer car?
  • Travel to exotic destinations?

Making more money can lead to more opportunities for you. It can end your money worries. It can help you and your loved ones live a better life.

Before Making Money Online From Home, I was Desperate to Have More Time to Help My Family Dealing With Health Problems

This is my story…

I started working from home to make extra money a few years ago. I enjoyed my 6-figure job as a Registered Nurse Case Manager, but I needed a more flexible work schedule. I was desperate to have more time to help my family dealing with catastrophic health problems.

By generating income working online, I was able to have the flexibility to travel often to see my beloved brother in Southern California; he was hospitalized due to a brain injury and he responded primarily to my voice. It also allowed me to care for my mom when her health deteriorated after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009; she finally moved in with me in Northern California in 2010.

My work-from-home extra income allowed me to take frequent time off from work without having to worry about financial issues.

At first, I only worked online from time-to-time. Every time my brother and/or my mom were dealing with some health crisis, I took many weeks or months off from working online.

My online income was small when I started out (less than $50 – $100 monthly) and not reliable. However, I started to earn more from blogging, writing articles and affiliate marketing in 2010 (these strategies are covered in the “Fast Money Makers” quick-start guide).

When I started making $500 monthly working at home, I used the extra income to get an extra day off from my day job.

I always looked forward to 3-day week-end holidays; so, I took my first extra day off on Fridays. It was such a great feeling to have 3-day week-ends all the time. It allowed me to have more time to help my family as well as have some time for self-care and stress relief.

In the early phase of my self-employment, I used every additional income I earned online to get more time off from my day job. Since 2010, I’ve been able to work less and less in my day job; I often worked 2-3 days a week or less and I also took a couple of weeks off almost every month. I was earning about $3,000 to $6,500+ monthly extra income working online from home.

The extra income I earned online gave me the confidence to give up my case management position; so, I no longer had the responsibility of managing a caseload of patients. Instead, I saw patients for other case managers when I was available to work. This change in my position gave me the flexibility to take as many days off as I needed to help my family.

Iā€™m truly grateful for what I’ve been able to accomplish as an online entrepreneur and the flexibility it offered me — it allowed me to spend more precious time with people that mattered most to me.

Sadly, my loving mom passed away in February 2012. A couple of weeks after her passing, my beloved bother passed away in March 2012. Although I did not know it when I started my entrepreneurial journey, I was giving my last gifts to my loved ones.

And there were other gifts…

I didnā€™t realize it at the time, but my experience working online from home helped me develop valuable skills and knowledge that can be useful for other entrepreneurs, too. The extra income I earned online also provided the seed capital I needed for building a profitable business.

These days, I am scaling my passive residual income online by creating my own products. I’ve also been working on a series of online courses that can help other entrepreneurs boost their income online faster.

The progress of my course creation has been slower than what I prefer. Why? Once again, I am helping another family member dealing with health issues.

In November 2016, my other brother almost died from kidney failure and heart failure. He was able to recover, but he’s now on dialysis. At this time, he lives with me and needs my help due to his health challenges and frequent hospitalizations as well as visits to the Emergency Room, his doctors and dialysis nurse.

Making money online working at home allows me to have the flexibility to work whenever I want and take time off whenever I need. Since March 2017, I have been on a leave of absence combined with months of time off from my day job. Moving forward, I will focus my time on my online work helping other entrepreneurs boost their income, too.

What About You? How Would You Benefit From Earning Money Working From Home?

What you end up doing with your work-from-home income depends on what matters most to you.

If you’re a mom or dad, making a living working from home can offer you greater flexibility to spend more time with your family. You can have better work-life balance.

If you’re caring for loved ones dealing with health issues (as I have been doing for many years), working from home allows you to have a flexible schedule. It’s hard for most family caregivers to have a traditional job because of the challenges of caregiving; most end up losing their job due to frequent time off or absences from work.

If you have a flexible work-from-home job, you can work whenever you want and take time off whenever you need.

So, ask yourself…

How unhappy are you with your current level of income from your job and your working situation?

Working online to make extra money or earn recurring income streams in the comfort of your own home may be right for you.

If You Can Make Money From Home, You Can Improve Your Life and Your Financial Security

If You Can Make Money From Home, You Can Improve Your Life and Your Financial Security

Top 5 reasons why people want to make a living from home:

  1. Pay off debt or student loans
  2. Get seed capital to start and build a big business
  3. Earn extra income to support their families
  4. Make a living working in the comfort of their own home
  5. Boost retirement income and savings

Having a job is no longer as secure as it used to be. Millions of workers are not making ends meet and they’re living paycheck to paycheck. Many workers are worried about losing their jobs and losing their source of income.

Having multiple sources of income can provide diversification. It can provide financial security in case you lose your job or decrease your work hours due to changes in your employment.

Thomas Corleyā€™s five-year study of the daily habits of the rich and poor showed that most self-made millionaires generated their income from multiple sources:

  • 65% had three streams of income
  • 45% had four streams of income
  • 29% had five or more streams of income

Millions of independent workers are making a living without a traditional job; this broad category of entrepreneurs include freelancers, independent contractors and the self-employed.

According to the 2015 edition of the State of Independence report from MBO Partners (a business services company focusing on the self-employed):

  • 79% of independent workers are happier being self-employed
  • 59% of independent workers also reported that they were healthier than if they held a traditional job.

Almost 18 million Americans are full-time independent workers; combined with 12.4 million part-time independent workers, the regular U.S. independent workforce is over 30 million.

  • One in four (27%) independent workers earn over $75,000 annually.
  • 49% earn $25,000 to $75,000 annually.
  • 24% earn less than $25,000 annually.

By creating at least one or more ways to generate cash flow, you can protect yourself and your family from financial risks that come from relying on only one source of income.