Branding Definition: What Is A Brand? What Is Branding?

This article will cover branding definition. You’ll learn what is branding and what is a brand. You’ll also learn why brand marketing is very important for your non-profit and for-profit small business.

When we think of branding, we often think of McDonald’s, Coke, Pepsi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Toyota and the gazillion dollars they spent to build their brands. But, building a strong brand identity is also important for a small business — and you can build a powerful brand without spending a lot of money.

Before you start building your brand, you must understand what a “brand” is and how it can affect the profitability and success of your business.

Branding Definition: What Is A Brand? What Is Branding?
This symbol is an important part of the Mercedes-Benz brand.

Branding Definition: What Is Branding?


Branding Definition: What Is A Brand? What Is Branding?

A brand can be a name, a phrase, an image, a symbol or a combination of things that tend to identify the products or services of your company as unique or different from those of your competitors.

A brand can represent something intangible about your company, your product or service. It can be a combination of feelings and perceptions about your name, image, quality, reputation and personality.

At its most powerful level, branding creates in the mind of your customers the perception that there is no other company, product or service like yours!

A powerful brand can influence your customers to buy your product or service over your competitors… even if they have to pay more for it. A powerful brand can influence your customers to think that no one else — but you or your company — can deliver the quality or the benefits that they want.

Related:  Brand Identity: 6 Brand Building Tips For Your Small Business