Category: Search Engine Marketing

Understanding the Psychology of Keywords Can Dramatically Boost Your Marketing Results

Keywords are words, phrases and questions people use to search online.

Choosing the right keywords is one of the most important aspects of creating a successful marketing campaign. It can be the difference between a campaign that generates monster sales and one that fails.

Understanding the Psychology of Keywords Can Dramatically Boost Your Marketing Results

Every keyword is a unique market of its own. Every keyword represents the mindset of the person searching.

People who have problems usually search for a solution to their specific problem or search specifically for your products or services. The keywords and key phrases they’re entering on search engines will reveal what they have been looking for.


By using their own words and search terms, you can show potential customers that your product or service is exactly what they want. Instead of relying on your creativity, this is how you find the EXACT keywords and phrases to use in your marketing campaigns.

Every keyword is a unique market of its own. Every keyword represents the mindset of the person searching. Most people do not use one keyword; instead they use a key phrase.

Behind every EXPLICIT keyword or key phrase that people use when they’re searching, they have some IMPLICIT wants, needs, desires, hopes, questions, problems, issues or assumptions that they may not be aware of.

For example

People searching for “weight loss” (EXPLICIT key phrase) have some IMPLICIT wants, needs, desires, hopes, etc., such as, “lose weight and build muscle”, “lose weight without exercise”, “lose weight while eating their favorite foods”, “lose weight while drinking alcohol”, etc.

Your conversions will increase if you can use keywords or key phrases in your advertising that can match the implicit conversation that your prospects have with themselves.

For example, don’t target “weight loss” because the competition is huge for that key phrase and it will be expensive to bid for it. Instead, you can target a subset of the weight loss niche, such as, people who want to “lose weight and build muscle”, “lose weight without exercise”, “lose weight while eating their favorite foods”, “lose weight while drinking alcohol”, “lose weight and avoid dying prematurely”, “lose weight and live longer”, “lose weight and look good in a swimsuit”, etc.

By matching the implicit conversation that your prospects have with themselves, you can decrease your advertising cost as well as increase your sales and profits.

Another huge benefit of understanding the psychology of keywords is that your headline can more effectively grab the attention of your prospect
 if you can use keywords that can enter the conversation already taking place inside your prospect’s head.

A great headline can speak to the prospect and grab his attention. It can make your target audience stop dead in their tracks and think: “This is exactly what I want. They’re talking to me. I should keep reading!”

The keywords or key phrase people use when they’re searching is the conversation inside their head. Your ad will capture your prospects’ interest when it repeats to them what they’re thinking.

Putting your keywords in your advertising headline, in the body of your ad and in your URL can boost your results. The more places in your ad that you can put your keywords, the more clicks you can get. Higher click-through-rates (CTR) can lower your cost and increase your conversions.