Find Internships: The Road to Employment and Your Dream Career

Find Internships: The Road to Employment and Your Dream Career

Find internships that match your interests and experience. An internship can provide valuable experience for a profession or an occupation.

A good learning experience from an internship program can lead to many job opportunities. It can lead you to your dream career.

Most internship programs in the US are work-experience internships; they usually provide on-the-job training in the intern’s field of interest. Research internships are also available in scientific fields.

Internships can be paid or unpaid. If unpaid, internships are usually subject to stringent labor guidelines in the US. In addition, some states have their own regulations about internships; for example, unpaid interns in California must receive college credit for their work.

Unlike apprenticeships, internships tend to be more exploratory. Many interns receive job offers, but they are not required to stay with the employer after the internship is over.

Some students do multiple internships throughout college. They use the internship programs to figure out what career they want to pursue and also to build their work experience.

Dream Careers: Find Internships


How to Find Internships In Your Field of Interest

There are thousands of internship programs all over the world. You can find virtual or remote internships as well as local, national or international internship program using search tools.

The job search engine, Indeed can help you find internship opportunities in 50 countries.

Related:  Dream Careers and Rewarding Jobs


Find Internships for Your Specific Field of Interest Using Job Search Engine, Indeed

Click one of the links below and enter the location of your choice:


Find Internships In Your Field of Interest: It Can Help You Gain Entry to Your Dream Career

Infographic: Internships - The Road to Employment
