Learn how to make money on the side. You don’t even need to have your own products or services to sell. There are lots of affiliate programs online and you can easily sign-up for free.
Promoting products and services as an affiliate is one of the simplest ways to make money online. Most people can earn extra cash online working during their free time. Even busy entrepreneurs can generate extra income by being creative and working smart.
Millions of people want to have their own business. But, they don’t know how to get started. Others may have a good idea, but they do not have a lot of extra time available to work on a business.
People who are unemployed or retired have a lot of free time — but, they do not have much money to spend on a new business.
The biggest roadblock for building a highly-profitable online business is lack of money. Most Internet entrepreneurs do not have a lot of money to spend on marketing.
How to Make Money On the Side When You Don’t Have A Lot of Time and Money
How do you make extra money online when you don’t have a lot of time or money? You can get free affiliate accounts which allows you to sell other people’s products and services for a commission. By driving free traffic to the affiliate offers, you can generate some income.
Instead of creating your own products and services, signing up for a free affiliate account can help you start quickly.
Even if you eventually want to develop your own products or services, getting to know what sells online can help you come up with much more profitable business ideas later.
Millions of entrepreneurs fail because they create their products first — assuming they can just convince people to buy later — and they realize too late that no one wanted or needed what they created.
Isn’t it possible to create a need for a product or service? Yes, it’s possible and some people have done it. However, going that route makes it much harder and much more expensive to succeed. The risk of failure is much higher.
Instead, you can lower your risk of failure by getting to know what the market really wants by selling as an affiliate. When you’re ready, you can create products or services that the market wants based on your experience selling as an affiliate as well as by doing additional market research.
Aside from getting to know the marketplace, you learn by doing and boost your marketing knowledge as an affiliate marketer. The extra money you make is another big bonus.

Affiliate Marketing Terms You Need to Know
* Affiliate marketing refers to revenue sharing between advertisers and publishers. You (the affiliate) are referred to as the publisher . Your compensation is based on your performance from sales, clicks, registrations or a combination of multiple actions.
Affiliate marketing usually involves selling a product or service. You can get a commission of up to 75% or even more of the revenue generated.
* CPA marketing refers to Cost per Acquisition or Cost per Action (CPA). For this payment model, advertisers pay publishers per lead. The lead is a set action by the advertiser that publishers’ users must complete. You (the affiliate) are referred to as the publisher and you get paid when your site users or visitors complete an action. Such actions can involve inputting an email address or zip code, getting a free trial or purchasing a product.
Payouts for set actions vary accordingly. I’ve seen payouts as little as a few cents for offers in some countries to as large as over $600 for a lead in the United States.
* Affiliate products and services are usually called offers.
By being resourceful and creative, you can generate a lot of traffic and earn multiple affiliate income streams — for free.
Some marketers get a lot traffic from facebook.com, google.com, yahoo.com, pinterest.com, twitter.com, youtube.com as well as other social media sites — for free. Some resources are shown below.
Having the knowledge to generate some income online can be life-changing for most people.
Unfortunately, most affiliate marketers are failing online — they’re not making much money! Over 90% of online marketers and entrepreneurs make less than $100 a month.
The problem is that most Internet entrepreneurs fail to take massive action to promote their online business. They lack the skills, tools, time or money for effective marketing.
Let’s face it… traffic is the lifeblood of any business.Without a steady flow of traffic to your money-making website, your Internet business will fail.
No matter how great your product, service or business idea is… you will not make a lot of money online without a lot of website traffic.
Furthermore, it’s not enough that you get just any traffic. It has to be a lot of traffic specifically targeted to your niche market.
So, what can you do?
You have to educate yourself. Knowledge is power! And for affiliate marketers and Internet entrepreneurs, knowledge is power and money!
Once you learn how to drive massive targeted traffic to your products and services, you can make extra money online no matter what you’re selling.
Useful Resources for Making Extra Money Online
You can do trial and error to figure things out for yourself, but that usually takes too long for most people to get results. Instead of wasting time and losing opportunities to earn, it may be worth your while to learn how to make money on the side.
* 120+ Training Videos for New Internet Marketers – If you need to learn how to do the basic steps for setting up a business on the Internet, get The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Internet Marketing and get instant online access to over 120 video tutorials. You can get your own Internet business up and running a whole lot faster and easier.
* No-Cost Strategies for Making Money Online — Video training course will teach you how to generate income online without spending any money on websites or advertising. Click HERE to watch video now.
* Step-By-Step Affiliate Marketing Training System — You can learn how to make as much money as possible with Affiliate Marketing online. Private label rights are offered; so, you can also sell the training system as your own product. It’s like getting your own turnkey money-making business online after you get your training. Watch video to learn more.
* Get Paid for Taking Online Surveys — Can you really get paid for sharing your opinion? Yes, you can get paid for taking online surveys. Learn how to generate income from paid surveys. Click HERE to get started now.
* Send Traffic to Any Affiliate Offer Or Website You Want By Re-Directing Clicks From Pictures You’ve Posted Online — You can get lots of free traffic by making pictures or images you post on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and LinkedIn re-direct to any affiliate offer or website you want. Watch video to learn how it works.