Tag: marketing plan

Marketing Plan for Small Business? You Need a Get-More-Customers Game Plan

Frustrated with roller-coaster sales?

Your sales and profits should NOT be a guessing game…

If you don’t know from day-to-day or month-to-month where your income is going to come from, it’s going to be very stressful and demoralizing to run your business. Having a struggling business is just as bad as having a poorly paying job.

If you don’t have a reliable way of getting more sales and profits, your business is doomed to fail…

Marketing Plan for Small Business? You Need a Get-More-Customers Game Plan

Successful entrepreneurs never just wing it. Having a game plan can dramatically increase your chances of growing a wildly profitable business. A marketing plan for small business is your game plan for reaching your ideal target market and getting more customers. When you put your Get-More-Customers Game Plan into action, you can focus on generating predictable revenue and profits… repeatedly. So, you can end roller-coaster sales permanently.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020), here’s the failure rate of small businesses:

  • 21.9% fail within the first year
  • 31.8% fail within the 2 years
  • 50.0% fail within the first 5 years
  • 65.7% fail within 10 years

Why is the failure rate so high for small businesses?

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2018-2019 Global Report, the most common reason given for business failure is lack of profitability.

Cash flow problems lead to 82% of business failure, according to a U.S. Bank study. Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. Growth requires working capital. It’s critical for buying inventory and equipment as well as hiring and paying employees. 

It’s hard to build your business when you’re barely making ends meet…

Lack of profitability and cash flow problems are usually due to poor and inconsistent marketing. They’re symptoms of marketing failure.

Ineffective marketing results in many businesses struggling or even failing.

Marketing failure is usually due to entrepreneurs making common mistakes. These mistakes lead to insufficient sales and profits. In turn, they lead to cash flow problems…

The majority of businesses are struggling to survive. Most entrepreneurs are living a financial nightmare. They’re surviving on credit cards and loans. Some depend on a 9-5 job or a side-hustle to make ends meet.

According to Michael Michalowicz, author of Profit First, many entrepreneurs don’t take any salary from their companies… but, they’re one bad month away from bankruptcy.

Eventually, they end up running out of money and failing.

This is tragic… 

Most entrepreneurs work really hard to build their businesses. So, what’s the problem?

They’re working really hard, but they’re doing the WRONG things…

Picking the right strategies for marketing is extremely important for becoming successful.

Making the wrong choices can set you back months or years. It can even kill your chances of having a profitable business.

Marketing Mistakes Can Be Costly

Repeated mistakes can be costly. It’s not just your time, money and energy that will get wasted. Marketing mistakes can keep you from having a profitable business for months or even years!

If you don’t learn to fix and avoid common marketing mistakes, they can keep blocking your progress. They can even kill your business.

Do not let that happen to you!

You need to stop using marketing strategies that FAIL to deliver results. 

Instead, you need to focus only on reliable, predictable and scalable marketing strategies that can generate sales and profits every day.

Why It’s Absolutely Critical to Have a Game Plan for Building a Successful Business

Successful entrepreneurs never just wing it…

Having a game plan can dramatically increase your chances of growing a wildly profitable business. 

If you don’t have one, your business is going to fail… 


If  you don’t have an action plan for reaching your goals, it’s going to be much harder to become successful. 

It’s going to be easy to get distracted with lots of “bright shiny objects.” So, you’re more likely to end up making many mistakes that can take you farther away from the path of success. Instead, you’re going to end up wasting a lot of your time, money and resources. 

Your game plan is your blueprint for success. It can help you overcome problems and achieve your business goals.

Without an action plan to guide you, you’re more likely to make wrong decisions. You can end up working hard… but focused on the wrong things.

This is how you can end up running out of money and resources… without achieving anything.

Having a game plan is absolutely necessary to achieve your business success. 


The best game plan in the world is going to be worthless… if you don’t put it into action.

A Complicated Marketing Plan for Small Business Is USELESS… Instead, You Need to Have An ACTIONABLE Get-More-Customers Game Plan

Marketing Plan for Small Business? Discover What People Want

A marketing plan for small business is your blueprint for reaching your ideal target market. You need to discover what your potential customers want; so, you can offer it to them. You can give it to them for free to generate leads or you can sell it to them to generate profits… over and over again.

It’s really unfair… but, you can end up failing even if you have great products or services.

Ineffective marketing can lead to lack of profitability and cash flow problems. It can lead to business failure.

What is marketing?

Marketing is the art and science of discovering what people want. So, you can offer it to them. To generate leads for your business, you can give it to them for free. To acquire customers, you can sell it to them.

With effective marketing, you can generate leads, sales and profits repeatedly. This is the key to everlasting business growth.

Did you know?

Effective marketing pays you. It’s not about working harder… longer… better. It’s about working smarter.?

What is a marketing plan?

A marketing plan is your blueprint for reaching your ideal target market. It’s your Get-More-Customers Game Plan.

NOTE: Depending on your business, your customers can be clients, patients, students, members, etc.

Ineffective marketing can waste a lot of your time, money and resources. A simplified marketing plan can help you focus only on strategies that can generate sales and profits.

Complicated Marketing Plan = USELESS

Complicated marketing plans usually don’t get implemented by small business owners because they are too overwhelming, too costly and too time consuming.

When you put your Get-More-Customers Game Plan into action, you’ll need to use the most effective marketing strategies to get your ideal prospects in your target market to know you, like you and trust you. So, they’ll be willing to become your customers.

Simplified Marketing Plan = Get-More-Customers Game Plan

Small business owners — especially one-person enterprises — usually have limited time, money and resources. So, it’s extremely important to focus on the SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST and FASTEST marketing strategies to generate sales and profits.

When you put your Get-More-Customers Game Plan into action, you can focus on generating predictable revenue and profits… repeatedly. So, you can end roller-coaster sales permanently.

Here’s what you need to know…

It only takes ONE marketing campaign working for your business… to get game-changing sales and profits.

Once you have even just a single marketing system bringing you more customers every day… your business and your life can change dramatically.

What’s the FASTEST way to increase your sales and profits… WITHOUT working more?

By focusing your marketing only on your best prospects in hungry target markets…