Tag: marketing success

Most Entrepreneurs Are Doomed to Failure: Are You Making the Same Mistakes?

Struggling with roller-coaster sales?

Your sales and profits should NOT be a guessing game

If you don’t know from day-to-day or month-to-month where your income is going to come from, it’s going to be very stressful and demoralizing to run your business. Having a struggling business is just as bad as having a poorly paying job.

Business Failure: Most Entrepreneurs Are Doomed to Failure: Are You Making the Same Mistakes?

Marketing failure can lead to business failure. You can end up FAILING even if you have great products or services. If you don’t have a reliable way of getting more sales and profits, your business is doomed to failure

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020), here’s the failure rate of small businesses:

  • 21.9% fail within the first year
  • 31.8% fail within the 2 years
  • 50.0% fail within the first 5 years
  • 65.7% fail within 10 years

Why is the failure rate so high for small businesses?

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2018-2019 Global Report, the most common reason given for business failure is lack of profitability.

Cash flow problems lead to 82% of business failure, according to a U.S. Bank study. Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. Growth requires working capital. It’s critical for buying inventory and equipment as well as hiring and paying employees.

It’s hard to build your business when you’re barely making ends meet…

Lack of profitability and cash flow problems are usually due to poor and inconsistent marketing. They’re symptoms of marketing failure

Marketing failure is usually due to entrepreneurs making common mistakes. These mistakes lead to insufficient sales and profits. In turn, they lead to cash flow problems

The majority of businesses are struggling to survive…

Most entrepreneurs are living a financial nightmare. They’re surviving on credit cards and loans. Some depend on a 9-5 job or a side-hustle to make ends meet.

According to Michael Michalowicz, author of Profit First, many entrepreneurs don’t take any salary from their companies
 but, they’re one bad month away from bankruptcy.

Eventually, they end up running out of money and failing.

This is tragic…

Most entrepreneurs work really hard to build their businesses. So, what’s the problem?

They’re working really hard, but they’re doing the WRONG things

Picking the right strategies for marketing is extremely important for becoming successful.

Making the wrong choices can set you back months or years. It can even kill your chances of building a profitable business.

If you’re making any of these marketing mistakes, you need to STOP immediately.

Marketing Failure Can Lead to Business Failure: Most Entrepreneurs Are Making Common Marketing Mistakes. So, They’re Doomed to Failure…

Repeated mistakes can be costly. It’s not just your time, money and energy that will get wasted. Marketing mistakes can keep you from having a profitable business for months or even years!

If you don’t learn to fix and avoid common marketing mistakes, they can keep blocking your progress. They can even kill your business.

Do not let that happen to you!

You need to stop using marketing strategies that FAIL to deliver results.

Instead, you need to focus only on reliable, predictable and scalable  marketing strategies that can generate sales and profits every day.

For most entrepreneurs this is easier said than done. They usually hang in there
 even with little to no payoff.


Most entrepreneurs take pride in working very hard. It’s considered a badge of honor to double-down and work even harder
 especially if something is not working.

These business-killing mistakes are based on common marketing misconceptions. Unless you get rid of mistaken beliefs, they will keep blocking your path to profitability and success.

Did you know?

Effective marketing pays you. It’s not about working harder or longer. It’s about working smarter.

First, we’ll discuss common marketing mistakes
 and how they can keep you from getting more sales and profits. Next we’re going to shift our focus on strategies that can speed-up your results

We’re also going to discuss how you can MAXIMIZE your sales and profits

Mistake #1: Juggling too many INEFFECTIVE marketing strategies
 and struggling to get more sales.

Marketing Failure Can Lead to Business Failure:: Most Entrepreneurs Are Doomed to Failure

Stop wasting your time juggling too many INEFFECTIVE marketing strategies. Instead, you need to start marketing smarter. So, you can get more sales and profits
 WITHOUT working all the time.

Most entrepreneurs are overworked
 but, they’re usually underpaid.


They’re using popular but INEFFECTIVE marketing strategies
 and they’re failing to get results.

The problem is that there are hundreds of ways to market your products and services
 and no one can effectively market his/her business in a hundred different ways.

It’s just not sustainable

Just like millions of entrepreneurs marketing their own businesses, you’re probably constantly bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information about marketing. It can be very confusing to figure out which strategies can really help your business succeed.

It’s really tempting to use many strategies
 but, that can actually hurt your business.


When you have too much to do
 when you feel too overwhelmed… it’s hard to do effective marketing consistently.

If you can’t consistently get more sales and profits, you won’t have enough cash flow to grow your business. Eventually, your business will die

Marketing failure can lead to business failure…

Yes, it’s really unfair
 but, you can end up FAILING even if you have great products or services!

What can you do?

Instead of trying to use many ineffective marketing strategies and working so hard, you need to change your mindset. You need to focus on the MOST EFFECTIVE way to get MAXIMUM RESULTS.

Mistake #2: Working really hard, but focusing on the WRONG marketing strategies.

Instead of focusing on effective marketing that can generate sales and profits quickly
 millions of entrepreneurs are spending most of their days creating content for their blogs and sites.

This can involve spending hundreds or thousands of hours blogging, writing articles, creating videos and other content

They’re hoping that creating lots of content will eventually lead to lots of free traffic from Google and other search engines. They’re hoping that their hard work will someday lead to lots of traffic
 and hopefully, lots of sales.

The SEO strategy is mostly based on “hope marketing” for many entrepreneurs. So, why is it so popular?

SEO is the most common traffic-generation advice newbies get from marketing gurus

But, hope is a poor marketing strategy

Depending too much on SEO to hopefully get free organic traffic from Google can create lots of problems for you.

There’s a lot of competition for getting top ranking on Google and other search engines

There are at least 4.83 billion web pages online as of June 22, 2021, according to World Wide Web Size. There are 1.2 billion websites worldwide as of January 2021 (Siteefy.com).

The number of websites and pages competing for search engine ranking just keeps on growing

The harsh reality is that most entrepreneurs will fail to get top ranking for their blogs and sites on Google and other search engines
 When traffic never comes, their sales and profits never come. Without any income coming in, they end up giving up
 disillusioned and demoralized.

Don’t let that happen to you!

You need to stop wasting your time, trying and hoping to get free SEO traffic. Creating lots of content is so time-consuming. It’s like a full-time job in itself. You end up with never having time for anything else.

It’s just not sustainable

The long hours and hard work – especially with little or no payoff – can lead to burnout and despair. You need to avoid marketing methods that fail to deliver results
 because they keep you overworked and under-paid.

How Do You Get More Sales and Profits
  WITHOUT Working More? Learn These 2 Simple Steps

Step 1. Apply the 80/20 Rule for Marketing and STOP Wasting Your Time On INEFFECTIVE Marketing Strategies That Fail to Get Results. So, You Can Work Less and Make More.

Apply the 80/20 Rule for Marketing; Avoid Marketing Failure That Can Lead to Business Failure

By taking massive action on 20% of marketing strategies that can generate 80% of your sales and profits, you can focus on the best use of your time, money and resources. Instead of feeling overwhelmed trying to do everything, you can just focus on the most essential marketing strategies that can catapult your business to success.

By applying the 80/20 Rule or Pareto’s Principle to your business marketing, you can limit yourself to the MOST ESSENTIAL marketing strategies.

You can focus on 20% of marketing strategies that can generate 80% of your results. So, you can avoid wasting a lot of time, money and resources. Instead, you can make more and work less.

How to Apply the 80/20 Rule to Your Business Marketing

Here’s a brief background

The 80/20 Rule is based on an observation by an Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923). He made the observation that 20% of the people of Italy owned 80% of its wealth.

Since Pareto’s time, other studies have also shown that in other areas of life, 80% of results are generated by 20% of activities. The 80/20 Rule also applies to business marketing.

A huge advantage of applying the 80/20 Rule is that you can avoid wasting a lot of time and money by NOT doing 80% of the marketing activities that will only generate 20% of your results.

This makes it a lot easier for you to focus on the few essential activities that can generate the bulk of your income

By taking massive action on 20% of marketing strategies that can generate 80% of your sales and profits, you can focus on the best use of your time, money and resources.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed trying to do everything, you can just focus on the most essential marketing strategies that can catapult your business to success.

Step 2. START Using the Power of Leverage to MAXIMIZE Your Sales and Profits

If you don’t have an effective way to generate sales and profits CONSISTENTLY, your business is doomed to failure

The best kept secret of successful entrepreneurs is leverage.

Leverage is the difference between a struggling and successful business.

Leverage is about focusing your time, money and resources on what can make the biggest impact on your business.

Effective marketing can offer the biggest leverage in any business. Even a small improvement in marketing can have a MULTIPLYING effect on your sales and profits.

You Can Avoid Business Failure By Putting Into Action An Automated Marketing System: Use the Power of Leverage to MAXIMIZE Your Sales and Profits

Effective marketing pays you. When you implement an automated marketing system working for your business, you’re putting into action a RELIABLE and REPEATABLE process that pays for itself. So, it’s FREE. It also brings in a steady stream of sales and profits day after day… month after month.

When you put into action an automated marketing system that generates sales and profits for your business, you’re applying the 80/20 Rule. This enables you to be laser-focused on 20% of marketing activities that can generate 80% of your results.

Did you know?

ONE profitable marketing campaign can transform your business

Once you have even just a SINGLE marketing process bringing you more sales and profits every day
 your business and your life can change dramatically.

Every business needs a revenue engine. If you don’t have a way of generating revenue consistently
 your business will end up running out of money and fail.

Automated Marketing System = Revenue Engine

Having an automated marketing system working for your business is essential for your success. Why? When you have a reliable revenue engine, you also have a powerful business growth accelerator.