Tag: sales and marketing

Understanding the Psychology of the Call to Action Can Increase Sales and Conversions

What is a call to action? A call to action (CTA) is a phrase or statement that’s used in marketing to prompt an immediate response from the prospect.

Understanding the Psychology of the Call to Action Can Increase Sales and Conversions

If you want to create an effective call to action, you need to know that your product or service is valuable, useful and helpful to the customer. This is what can give you confidence that buying your offer can help your customer.

The call to action for PPC advertising is simple. Just ask the prospect to take action, such as, buy now, order now, sign-up now, download now, watch video now or call now.

For email marketing and solo advertising, the call to action is also simple. In your email promotion, just ask the prospect to click the link that leads to the sales page or landing page.

When you’re creating a landing page or a sales page for your product or service, you need to have the right mind-set to create a strong call to action.

What is an offer?

Your offer is your product or service for sale packaged with incentives for potential customers to buy. By including buying incentives with your product or service, you can increase the attractiveness of your offer.

For example, your “offer” can include a discount, bonus, guarantee and other incentives for your prospects to buy your product or service.

By adding buying incentives to the products or services you’re selling, you can make them irresistible to potential customers.

Marketing is the art and science of discovering what people want and giving it to them. The spirituality of marketing involves helping people get what they want and providing value for them.

If you want to create an effective call to action, you need to know that your offer is valuable, useful and helpful to the customer. This is what can give you confidence that buying your offer can help your customer.

This confidence can help you create a strong call to action. In turn, having a strong call to action can dramatically increase your sales and profits.

If you don’t honestly think that your offer is useful, valuable and helpful — or worse, if you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about your offer — you need to come up with a different offer.

Unless you honestly think that your offer is GENUINELY useful, valuable and helpful for buyers, you will have difficulty writing an effective call to action.

If you are absolutely convinced that your offer can transform your buyer’s life, then writing a strong call to action can be effortless.

Some offers can genuinely change your customers’ life, such as, an effective cure for acne, relief from back pain, a weight loss system that works, a marketing system that builds their business, a dating service that helps them find their soulmate, marriage help, etc.

If you’re selling marketing educational info-products and courses, convincing your prospects to stop procrastinating can transform their business. You can make a difference in the life of your prospects by creating a strong call to action that will inspire and motivate them to take action.

Instead of focusing on features, you need to focus on the benefits and emotional rewards of your offer when you create your call to action.

Highlight specific benefits in your call to action as well as headline and advertising copy. The most important benefits involve health, wealth, relationships, success and peace of mind.

Products and services that are genuinely useful, valuable and helpful can lead to better versions of your buyer’s life, such as:

  • Better health
  • Better relationships
  • More wealth
  • More success
  • More peace of mind

Think of your call to action as a salesperson who is representing the BEST of what your business can offer. If you take the time to create an effective call to action, this salesperson will work for you tirelessly 24/7 to bring prospects and customers to your business.

Best Practices for Creating Call-to-Action Phrases That Inspire and Motivate Prospects to Take Action 

  • Your call to action should clearly explain to the prospects what action they need to take.
  • Your call to action should be concise; use as few words as possible to convey the benefits of taking action.
  • Your call to action should create a sense of urgency. It should inspire or motivate prospects to take action immediately.
  • Your call to action should stand out from other elements on your landing page.
    • Use contrasting colors to get more attention.
    • Use an image or vector art (points, lines and shapes) get more attention.

Call-to-Action Phrases That Can Increase Sales and Conversations

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An offer that is genuinely useful, valuable and helpful can improve your buyer’s life. By creating a strong call to action that will inspire and motivate your prospects to take action, you can make a difference in their life.