10 Video Marketing Statistics That Can Boost Your Business


These 10 powerful video marketing statistics show that YouTube marketing can boost your traffic, conversions and sales.

YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world. It is one of the most powerful marketing tools for increasing website traffic and sales. However, most entrepreneurs are not using YouTube video marketing to its fullest potential.

Everyone knows that Google dominates the search market; there are 11.9 billion searches on Google monthly. In contrast, most people don’t know that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world; it processes more than 3 billion searches a month. It’s bigger than Bing, Yahoo!, Ask and AOL combined! Furthermore, video accounts for 65% of Google search results.

The most recent statistics on online video and YouTube are amazing.

10 Video Marketing Statistics That Can Boost Your Business

  1. 100 Million internet users watch an online video every day.
  2. 128 Million Americans view videos on YouTube each month (Nielsen).
  3. 6 Billion hours of videos are watched every month.
  4. 40% of YouTube traffic is from mobile.
  5. When a video is included in an email, click-through rates increase 2-3 times.
  6. 75% of Users visit the marketer’s website after watching a video.
  7. Website visitors are 64% more likely to buy after watching a video (ComScore).
  8. 80% of Internet users remember the video ads they watch online.
  9. 403% More inquiries are received by real estate listings with videos compared to those without videos.
  10. When a video is included in an introductory company email, click-through rates increase by 96%.

Business marketers need to promote their products and services wherever people are. As the recent data show, millions of people are watching videos on YouTube every day.

Related:  Video Content Marketing Strategy and Statistics for 2020 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Video Marketing Statistics and Benefits to Your Business


Video Marketing Statistics

Credit: https://visual.ly/video-marketing

Video Marketing Statistics Show That Using Videos Can Boost Your Traffic and Sales

Savvy marketers can harness the power of YouTube video marketing with some creativity and analysis. Instead of just measuring views and shares using video analytics, tracking leads and sales generated are also important. By tracking business-related metrics as well as viewer engagement, you can create videos that address the needs of your target audience.

By applying these video marketing statistics and creating content that resonates with your audience, you can increase your video viewers, website traffic and sales.