Category: Business Ideas

Turn Passion Into Profits: How to Get Paid Doing What You Love

How do you really turn your passion into profits and get paid doing what you love?

This step-by-step guide will show you how to turn your passions, talents, skills and interests into a profitable blog or a new business. You can avoid the guesswork that can increase your risk of failure. Instead, you can stack the odds in your favor.

Before you start a blog or a new business, you can do a simple market research on the potential profitability of your idea BEFORE you start working on it. You can have a realistic chance at success from the very start.

Turn Passion Into Profit: How to Get Paid Doing What You Love

You can create work that you love based on your passions and interests using your talents and skills. By focusing on creating your products and services in a hungry market with lots of buyers, you can build a profitable business.

Working in a business or job you hate is an assault to your spirit as well as your body. It can suck the life out of you. It can deplete your soul.

Most people want their work to be more than a way to earn a living. They want their work to feed their heart and soul.

Millions of people dream about doing work that they love, but they don’t know how to get started.

It’s crucial that you combine your passion and your idea for profit. You need to find a market that’s willing to pay for what you are passionate about.

If you’re just focused on pursuing your passion — without considering profitability — that choice will eventually kill your business. It will also be hard for you to continue your work if you’re not making any money.

If you start a business just focused on making money — without considering your passion and interests — you will eventually be bored and miserable. It will be hard for you to get motivated to do any work.

What’s the best strategy?

Before starting a blog or a new business, you need to do simple market research. You need to consider your passion and interests as well as potential for profitability.

This is where most people fail. 🙁

Most people fail from the moment they choose to follow an idea that is based on a hunch; for example, the idea seems like it could make a ton of money.

Most people think of a blog or a business idea… they get all excited about it and they get started.

They don’t bother with any kind of research or even testing their ideas out before they commit to them. This is a very risky way of doing business. It’s hit or miss. They’re taking their best shot at success.

Before brainstorming ideas for what you’re going to create, it’s crucial that you have some guidelines that can give you a more realistic chance of success from the beginning.

Step-By-Step Guide for Turning Your Passions, Talents, Skills and Interests Into Profits

1. What are your passions and interests? Compile a list of topics you have experience and interest in. If you’re passionate about something, you’ve done a lot of things related to that area of interest; so, you’re likely to have a lot of experience in that topic.

List your passion, talents, interests, hobbies, recreational and work-related activities.

Need more ideas? Browse this list of hobbies and interests to get additional ideas for your blog or business. Hobbies and interests are potentially profitable ideas for your blog or business because people are usually passionate about them. They tend to buy a lot of products and services related to their hobbies and interests.

2. Do you have a hungry market in search of products? Determine the potential demand and profitability of your chosen topics. You will be able to narrow down your list of topics based on information you get from this step. Mark any topic that has profit potential.

  • Go to and search your topic. If you don’t see any paid advertising related to your topic, then STOP. You probably do NOT have a potentially profitable niche. If there’s any money to be made, lots of advertisers would have already been promoting products and services related to your topic.
  • Check out various categories in and If there’s a magazine or a book for dummies based on your topic, then there’s enough interest in it. You may have a potentially profitable niche.
  • Check out courses. If there are bestseller courses based on your topic, then you may have a potentially profitable niche.
  • Check out Marketplace or (a search engine for ClickBank affiliate products), Bestsellers (to get more results, click this link on the left sidebar: “See All 20 Departments”) and If there are bestseller products based on your topic, then you may have a potentially profitable niche.

Make a note of the products people are buying related to your topic. Make a note of the prices they’re willing to pay. Information about products sold and pricing may be useful for you, if you decide to create products later.

For steps 3 and 4 (shown below), you will only focus on topics with profit potential based on research you’ve done on step 2.

3. Is your market large enough? Determine potential traffic available for your remaining topics with high potential for demand and profitability.

Write down 5 main keyword phrases that describe each topic and what it does.

Use Google Keyword Tool or alternative keyword tools to determine the amount of searches for keyword phrases related to your topic. You can also determine how competitive keywords are in your niche.

You want a large number of searches for keyword phrases related to your topic and reasonable level of competition. Focus on medium and low-competition keyword phrases. The average monthly searches for the main keyword phrases for your niche or topic should be at least 10,000 or more.

If you’re planning to create a product, you want the keyword phrases related to your product idea to generate average monthly searches of about 50,000 or more. Lots of searches indicate that there are lots of people potentially interested in your product.

4. Is your market monetizable? Are there sites selling products or services to your market? If you want to start an Internet business, an email list, a blog or a website, you also want to make sure you have multiple products you can potentially sell to your audience or subscribers. Visit Marketplace or, and for affiliate products you can promote. You can also check for CPA offers from affiliate networks.

After successfully completing steps 1-4, you can start a new blog or a new business with high potential for demand and profitability as well as high potential traffic with reasonable level of competition. You will also have multiple affiliate products you can potentially sell to your audience or subscribers.

How Do You Turn Your Profitable Idea Into Reality?

After you find your idea for a new blog or business with a high potential for profitability, it’s time to turn your idea into reality.

You can start a low cost, low risk business online with a big profit potential. Starting a blog combined with a website (called a blog site) is absolutely necessary for building your business online.

If you don’t have a blog site, most people will be afraid to buy from you or work with you.


Trust is a huge issue online. There are lots of legitimate businesses, opportunities, products and services online. However, there are also lots of scams.

Your blog site can help you build a good reputation or brand online.

It can show prospects that you and your business are real — not some scam that will disappear after taking their money. So, your blog site can help increase your prospect’s trust and boost your sales.

Your blog site is a crucial component for creating multiple streams of income online. It is useful for generating traffic, subscribers, leads and sales for your business.

It’s easy and inexpensive to get blog that also functions as a website.

The easiest way to start your blog is by doing one-click WordPress installation. It’s the fastest way to start a blog: you just click and
 WHAM! You have a blog!

Click HERE to learn how you can start a blog using one-click installation.

I’ll walk you through the process step-by-step. You can take advantage of this Special Offer for $1 per month Managed WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy. You can get a FREE domain with an annual plan.