Increase Sales and Profits Quickly By Marketing to Desperate Buyers


The easiest way to increase sales and profits quickly is by focusing on desperate buyers and other “low-hanging fruit” in your target market.

Marketing to desperate buyers is extremely profitable. They buy faster, buy more and buy more often…

If you’re not targeting prospects who are most likely to buy your products or services, you’re throwing money away.

By focusing on marketing to desperate potential buyers for your products or services, you can dramatically increase sales and profits quickly… whether you’re an advanced marketer or just starting out.

Desperate prospects include people with pressing issues or embarrassing problems; they’re extremely motivated to find solutions to their problems.

Desperate prospects also include passionate collectors and hobby enthusiasts; they’re driven by extreme passion to get what they absolutely have to have.

When your marketing is focused on desperate prospects who are begging… panicking… anxious… fearful… frantic… miserable… or just wanting something passionately… you can dramatically increase your chances of success.

Desperate prospects buy on impulse because they’re in an emotionally charged state of mind. They’re driven by extreme passion or desperation. So, they’re ready to buy now!

Targeting desperate prospects is extremely profitable because they’re hyperactive buyers. So, they buy faster, buy more and buy more often.

What Is the Easiest Way to Increase Sales and Profits Quickly? Marketing to Desperate Buyers

You need to perform market research to find desperate potential buyers for marketing your products and services. If you can target desperate prospects and other highly interested prospects in hungry markets, you can increase sales and profits… whether you’re a novice or an advanced marketer.

“This is how I generated lots of sales and profits… even as a new marketer. This marketing hack was a game changer for me!”  ~Allie Mendoza

I started using this marketing hack in 2010. When I was a newbie, I was a terrible marketer. I didn’t really know much about advertising and marketing. It takes time to learn and improve your marketing skills.

What helped me increase sales and profits even as a new marketer?

I understood that desperate buyers do not really care that your advertising is not very good. They just want a solution for a problem that they’re desperate to solve.

Especially if you’re just starting out as a marketer, it’s extremely important to find ways to stack the odds in your favor when you’re creating your marketing campaigns.

By targeting desperate buyers for marketing your products and services, you can increase sales and profits… whether you’re an experienced marketer or a complete beginner.

This is a true story…

My best friend was laid off and was selling his sports memorabilia on What was shocking to me was that his prospects kept emailing him… BEGGING him to sell his sports memorabilia.

They were writing long emails and offering lots of money. Some were offering $100, $200, $300 and even over $400 for ONE of his football jerseys. It was crazy! I had never seen anything like it.

What was crazier was that my friend would not consider selling his stuff for less than $1000 to $2000. He bought those football jerseys for about $50 a few years ago.

Why were these prospects desperate to buy these football jerseys? They were collectors and desperate buyers for sports memorabilia.

You Can Dramatically Increase Sales and Profits Quickly By Marketing to Desperate Buyers

Desperate buyers include people who are passionate collectors and hobby enthusiasts as well as people who are extremely motivated to find solutions for their problems.

  • Collectors collect trading cards, coins, stamps, action figures, comic books and autographs as well as historical, entertainment and sports memorabilia. They’re usually desperate to increase their collection.
  • Enthusiasts are obsessive about improving their knowledge and skill. Enthusiasts include golfers, sports fanatics, sports car enthusiasts, bird watchers, fitness freaks, wine lovers, fans of movie stars, etc. They’re constantly hungry and desperate buyers for their obsession.
  • People are usually desperate for solutions to problems that affect their appearance, such as, acne, wrinkles, belly fat, hair loss, excess hair, excess weight, muffin top, man boobs, age spots, loose skin, etc.
  • People are usually desperate for solutions to problems that affect their health and longevity, such as, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, memory loss, obesity, weight gain, pain, addictions, etc.
  • People are usually desperate for solutions to embarrassing problems, including yellow teeth, bad breath, fungal infections, erectile dysfunction, cold sores, constipation, urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence, head lice, genital itching, genital warts, hemorrhoids, foot odor, body odor, flaky skin, hot flashes, etc.
  • People are usually desperate for solutions to problems that affect their relationships, including cheating, divorce, marriage problems, dating problems, matrimonial problems, etc.
  • People are usually desperate for solutions to problems that affect their money, including, bankruptcy, foreclosure, student loans, personal loans, payday loans, reverse mortgage, loan refinancing, mortgage loans, etc.
  • People are usually desperate for solutions to problems that affect their job and career, such as, termination, lay off, job search, internship search, graduation from college or graduate school, etc.
  • People are usually desperate for solutions to problems that affect their business, such as, starting a business, building a successful business, marketing products and services, business lawsuits, business loans, business equipment, etc.

How do you find desperate buyers in your target market?

You need to perform market research to find desperate potential buyers and other low-hanging fruits in your market.

It doesn’t matter if your target market is overcrowded with competitors,

If you can target desperate potential buyers and other highly interested prospects in hungry markets, you can increase sales and profits quickly… whether you’re an advanced marketer or just starting out.