Tag: marketing strategies

STOP Working So Hard and START Marketing Smarter: Here’s My Story

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”
~Oprah Winfrey

Have you ever been afraid that your dream will die?

Been there…☹

For entrepreneurs trying to build a successful business… the idea that their dream will not come true is really terrifying.

But, you don’t have to give up on your dreams…

If you’re willing to overcome a lot of hardships, you can make them come true. Sometimes, it just takes a bit more patience and perseverance for some of us.

STOP Working So Hard and START Marketing Smarter: Here’s My Story

You can stack the odds of success in your favor… if you STOP working so hard and START marketing smarter. Like most newbies, I made a lot of mistakes. Learn what I had to do which finally turned things around for me…

The big lie about working hard to grow a successful business kills a lot of businesses and ends up ruining the lives of many entrepreneurs.

Working hard is not enough…

You need to work smart focused on the RIGHT tasks and activities.

Here’s the problem for most entrepreneurs…

They’re working really hard, but they’re doing the WRONG things.

This misconception about hard work is especially destructive to entrepreneurs choosing the wrong marketing strategies for growing their businesses…

Picking the right strategies for marketing is extremely important for becoming successful.

Making the wrong choices can set you back months or years. It can even kill your chances of building a profitable business.

Did you know?

Effective marketing pays you. It’s not about working harder and longer. It’s about working smarter.

Marketing that effectively converts traffic into sales and profits is a FUNDAMENTAL skill for all entrepreneurs…

Of all the skills you can have as an entrepreneur, the one skill that pays off more than any other is the ability to market yourself, your business, your products and services.

If you have effective marketing skills, you can sell anything… and you can build a profitable business. If not, any business you start is doomed to fail.

Learning how to start marketing smarter is crucial for all entrepreneurs…

It takes effective marketing knowledge and skills to build a wildly profitable business.

Knowing what NOT to do… is just as important as knowing what you should be doing.

Sadly, most entrepreneurs don’t know how to accomplish this…

What’s the problem?

There are too many unknown UNKNOWNS. So, we don’t know… what we don’t know.

Usually, newbies don’t know what are essential marketing strategies for them to learn… and where they can learn them.

So, they’re more susceptible to following bad ideas and making common marketing mistakes.

Here’s My Story: I Was Working So Hard, But I Was Still Struggling to Generate Sales and Profits

I started my own online business at the worst possible time in my life…

My beloved brother and my mom were dealing with catastrophic health issues. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Years before she got sick, my brother had a brain injury after having massive brain bleeding in 2003. So, I’ve been helping them. But, they needed me even more desperately as their health problems got progressively worse.

At the time, I enjoyed my 6-figure job as a Registered Nurse Case Manager. But, like most employees… I couldn’t take time off whenever I needed it and as much as I needed in order to help my family. So, I wanted a more flexible work schedule.

Here’s what I decided to do…

I thought if I could successfully generate enough extra income from an online business, it would allow me to take frequent time off from work to help my loved ones… hopefully, without having to deal with additional stress and worry from financial issues. At that time, I was already dealing with massive stress due to all my responsibilities.

Failure was not an option for me…

What good is a well-paying job… if I couldn’t help my loved ones when they needed me the most?

This was the darkest moments in my family’s life…

So, I was determined to make things work… no matter what it took. I was willing to learn anything and do anything.

When I was a newbie, I was always working sooo hard…

But, I was still struggling to generate sales and profits.

I was often stressed out… and scared that I wasn’t going to make it.

I wasn’t getting any results… I was exhausted… and I was losing hope that I could ever build a profitable business online.

I was caught in a vicious cycle…

I kept buying marketing how-to products with never-ending recommendations by so-called marketing gurus…

The more desperate I got, the more how-to marketing products I bought… I was desperately trying to learn the “secrets” the gurus kept promising to deliver, but never did…

After a while, I ended up spending tens of thousands of dollars doing what I NEVER wanted to do — I became an unintentional “investor” of how-to marketing products.

Yes, you can go broke trying to learn the ropes…☹

Sadly, this happens to millions of entrepreneurs trying to boost their sales and profits.

What’s even worse?

Except for a big library of marketing products that were either useless or so time-consuming that I was never going to have the time to use them…

I had nothing to show for it… no significant improvement in my marketing results… NOTHING!

I was sooo discouraged…

I had to confront the possibility that I would have to give up on my dream of building a profitable business and helping my loved ones…


I was starting to run out of money that I set aside for my business…

So, I had to STOP buying marketing how-to products. I also stopped following the advice of so-called marketing gurus.

Here’s what I started doing that finally turned things around for me…

I started testing and tracking all the marketing strategies I used. I only relied on the results of my own tests… and I just followed the money.

As I learned more and I started marketing smarter… I also earned more.

I’m going to share with you the lessons that finally helped me boost my sales and profits online…

I’ve been using these marketing strategies to promote various products and services for big brands and small businesses since 2010…

I will share the same strategies I used to get results… even when I was a newbie marketer.

Yes, I also started out with ZERO marketing experience.

Now that I’m a seasoned marketer, I still use the same marketing strategies to get RELIABLE leads, sales and profits REPEATEDLY.