Tag: seo

SEO Myths? Why SEO Strategies Fail to Deliver Free Traffic: Do This Instead

Struggling with SEO myths?

Most entrepreneurs online are working so hard creating content frequently; they’re trying to get free traffic to their business sites using search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

But, their strategy is flawed and their hard work doesn’t usually pay off…

SEO Myths? Why SEO Strategies Fail to Deliver Free Traffic: Do This Instead

SEO myths lead to business failure for millions of entrepreneurs. You need to ditch SEO strategies that are failing to work for you. Did you know? Effective marketing pays you. You can get paid traffic that pays you — so, it’s FREE. You end up getting traffic that pays for itself and also makes more money for you. Even if you have ZERO visitors to your site, you can get paid traffic that converts to sales and profits.

Instead of focusing on effective marketing activities that can generate targeted traffic, leads, sales and profits quickly… most entrepreneurs are spending most of their days trying to drive free traffic to their blogs and sites.

This can involve spending hundreds or thousands of hours blogging, writing articles, creating videos and other content…

They’re hoping that creating lots of content will eventually lead to lots of free traffic from Google and other search engines. They’re hoping that their hard work will someday lead to lots of traffic
 and hopefully, lots of sales.

The SEO strategy is mostly based on “hope marketing” for many entrepreneurs. So, why is it so popular?

SEO is the most common traffic-generation advice newbies get from marketing gurus…

New entrepreneurs are supposed to focus on building an audience for their blog or website first and then they can start selling to their site visitors stuff later.

The problem is that most new entrepreneurs can’t afford to wait months or years to start making money.

Hope is a poor marketing strategy….

Depending too much on SEO to hopefully get free organic traffic from Google can create lots of problems for you.

There’s a lot of competition for getting top ranking on Google and other search engines…

There are at least 4.83 billion web pages online as of June 22, 2021, according to World Wide Web Size. There are 1.2 billion websites worldwide as of January 2021 (Siteefy.com).

The number of websites and pages competing for search engine ranking just keeps on growing…

The harsh reality is that most blogs and sites will fail to get top ranking on Google and other search engines
. And when traffic never comes, their sales and profits never come. Without any income coming in, they end up giving up
 disillusioned and demoralized.

Don’t let that happen to you!

You need to stop wasting your time, trying and hoping to get free SEO traffic. Creating lots of content is so time-consuming. It’s like a full-time job in itself. You end up with never having time for anything else.

It’s just not sustainable

The long hours and hard work – especially with little or no payoff – can lead to burnout and despair. You need to avoid marketing methods that fail to deliver results — they keep you overworked and under-paid.

Instead, you need to focus only on using the most PROVEN marketing strategies that work effectively. You need to focus on reliable, predictable and profitable marketing strategies that will grow your business day after day…

Struggling With SEO Myths? Ditch SEO Strategies That Are Not Working For You… Instead, Get Paid Traffic That Pays You — So, It’s FREE

Some entrepreneurs are reluctant to spend money on marketing online. This is foolish… and it increases their risk of failure.

This can kill not only their chances of building a profitable business
 but also their dreams of a better life.

One of the most important business investment you can make will be paid marketing strategies that allow you to have access to unlimited targeted traffic
 and allow you to buy leads and customers whenever you want.

You can start with a tiny budget
 and just keep recycling it to grow your profits.

Why do things the hard way?

You can keep your marketing simple and get paid traffic that pays you — so, it’s FREE.

You end up getting traffic that pays for itself and also makes more money for you. Even if you have ZERO visitors to your site, you can get paid traffic that converts to sales and profits.

You can begin generating targeted traffic, sales and profits with as little as a $5 to $10 budget when you’re just starting out.

When I was a newbie, I even started driving targeted traffic to my site with a budget of $1 a day. Surprisingly, I still generated some sales and profits.

Failure to make money is demoralizing for millions of entrepreneurs working so hard to build their businesses…

Sadly, even those who could have been successful — have they learned how to effectively generate targeted traffic, sales and profits online — end up quitting.

Do not let that happen to your dream of building a successful business. No one deserves that.

When I was just starting out, I also made the mistake of following a lot of bad advice from marketing gurus; this caused me to waste a lot of time, money and effort.

What finally turned things around for me is that I started ignoring the gurus and all the supposedly “common-sense wisdom” they were sharing.

I ignored the common “guru” advice for newbies to focus on building an audience for your blog or website first and then sell them stuff LATER…

Instead, I took the path less traveled. I learned how to generate targeted traffic on demand and how to sell stuff FIRST
 before focusing on building an audience for my site.

Once you know how to generate targeted traffic, leads, sales and profits for your business, your mindset changes. There’s a lot less pressure and worry.

My time now is mostly focused on creating courses and other content that can help other entrepreneurs. By focusing on helping and serving my target audience, I feel that I’m making a difference in the lives of other entrepreneurs. My work is more meaningful.

SEO myths and marketing misconceptions are common…

The idea of getting free SEO-based traffic is very appealing, but most entrepreneurs usually fail to get it.

Relying on Google search engine ranking for traffic and sales is a scary proposition. Even if you’re lucky enough to get top ranking, you never know when Google is going to change its ranking algorithm. You never know when your traffic and sales will be yanked out from under you.

You’re always vulnerable to losing your traffic, sales, profits and income at any moment.

Every time Google changes their algorithm for ranking sites, millions of blogs, sites and online businesses lose their traffic source. Some entrepreneurs have lost over 90% of their SEO traffic after Google algorithm changes. Some of them have lost their income overnight.

After losing their only source of income, most of them didn’t have any choice but to quit their businesses…

It’s better to think of getting SEO-based organic traffic from Google as a bonus. It’s good if you can get it. But, don’t waste too much time hoping and waiting for it to happen.


“Hope marketing” has a huge opportunity cost. If you keep waiting for something that may never happen, you’re going to end up missing out on many opportunities that could have generated sales and profits for you.

How do you get started generating targeted traffic, leads, sales and profits?

Don’t waste your time on marketing tricks. Instead, you can get real marketing education. It’s the fastest and most effective way to improve your marketing knowledge and skills.

Learn marketing by doing and keep practicing. At first, your marketing campaigns may not generate a lot of sales and profits. But, keep learning and applying your knowledge. As you learn more, you can also earn more.