Tag: social media marketing

Influencer Marketing: Tips From Influencers

MostĀ marketers make mistakes when they approach influencers. Instead of developing rapport, they approach influencers to “promote their stuff” — which is a huge turn-off for anyone.

How do you get a network of powerful influential advocates?

The best way to connect and build a relationship with an influencer is by providing value. According to Michael Stelzner, “you need to understand what they want most and give it to them, no strings attached.” Check out the infographic below for more great ideas…

If you do want influencers to promote your content, how do you do this… without being pushy or obnoxious?

The easiest way to get influencers to share your content to their audience is to use the Quuu Promote tool. This content promotion tool has real people sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

“Donā€™t forget the ā€˜marketingā€™ in your content marketing. Make sure you schedule time every day to promote your blog. That should be supplemented through apps and tools like Quuu Promote.”


~Neil Patel: A top influencer on the web, according to the Wall Street Journal.