Tag: website

Blogs and Websites Are Business Marketing Essentials

Having a blog or website is absolutely necessary for building a successful business online.

Blog Websites Can Boost Trust & Sales: 5 Business Blogging Benefits

Most entrepreneurs and marketers have a blog website; it is a blog combined with a website (also known as a blog site).

Your blog site can boost customer’s trust as well as generate traffic, sales and leads for your business.

If you don’t have a blog and/or website, most people will be afraid to buy from you or work with you.


Trust is a huge issue online. There are lots of legitimate businesses, opportunities, products and services online. Unfortunately, there are also lots of scams.

Your blog site can help you build a good reputation or brand online.

It can show prospects that you and your business are real — not some scam that will disappear after taking their money. So, your blog site can help increase your prospect’s trust and boost your sales.

Your blog site is a crucial component for creating multiple streams of income online. It is essential for generating traffic, subscribers, leads and sales for your business.

It’s quick and easy to get a cheap blogging platform that also functions as a website. You can start a blog using one-click installation.

Check out this Special Offer for $1 per month Managed WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy. You can get a FREE domain with an annual plan.

6 Ways Your Blog and Website Can Benefit Your Business

  1. By posting new articles, videos and other content frequently, your blog site can get a higher ranking on Google. This can generate free traffic to your business as well as generate leads and sales.
  2. You can get free advertising and marketing using your blog. You can promote ŃƒĐŸur products Đ°nd Ń•Đ”rvісДѕ on your blog by creating detailed posts about their features and benefits.
    • Traditional advertising doesn’t usually allow you enough space to discuss important features and benefits of your offers.
    • Using a blog post, you can cover as much as you want and even include pictures of your products as well as videos about your services.
  3. By posting content that’s highly relevant to your target demographics, you can generate highly targeted leads and subscribers using your blog.
  4. In addition to any brand marketing you’re doing, you can do personal branding using your blog. By sharing personal stories about yourself as well as your business, products and services, you can increase prospect’s and customer’s trust of your business brand. More people can relate to you and your experiences; in turn, they can relate more to your business.
  5. Your blog site can get free traffic from Google as well as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media sites.
  6. Blogs allow you to connect better with prospects and customers as well as increase their trust. Your blog site can be a great tool for boosting leads and sales as well as providing customer service 24/7.
    • It can make it easier for prospects to ask questions about your products Đ°nd Ń•Đ”rvісДѕ.
    • It can make it easier for your prospects to make a purchasing decision.

Blog websites can offer many benefits for your business. You can gĐ”nĐ”rĐ°tĐ” mĐŸrĐ” trĐ°ffіс, subscribers, leads and sales for your business. YĐŸu can Đ°lŃ•ĐŸ gĐ”t a сrДаtіvĐ” ĐŸutlĐ”t fĐŸr ŃƒĐŸur ideas.

By sharing your ideas and experiences on your blog posts, you can increase your connection with your prospects and customers. Your blog can be an important aspect of boosting your business brand and your personal brand as an entrepreneur.

Take Advantage of this Special Offer for $1 per month Managed WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy. You can get a FREE domain with an annual plan.

Are You Using a Free Blogging Platform? 2 Ways Free Blog Sites Can Hurt Your Business

There are free blogging options available, such as, Blogger.com and WordPress.com.

  1. The disadvantage of using free blogging sites is that your domain name will be added as an extra extension to their site. Instead of using YourDomainName.com, your site will be: YourDomainName.blogger.com or YourDomainName.wordpress.com. It’s hard to convey a professional image for your business when your domain name is just an extra extension to a free blogging site.
  2. If your site becomes popular and successful, anyone can register YourDomainName.com because you haven’t claimed it. This actually happened to me years ago when I was just starting out. Those terrible people not only registered my domain, they also copied my content. True story! They were even too lazy to create their own content; so, they just cut and pasted mine on their site. ?

For business branding, it’s important to get your own domain name. You site will look more professional and trustworthy to your prospects. More trust can translate to more sales and profits.

By registering your own domain name, no one else can claim it if it becomes popular, profitable and successful.


WordPress Is the Best Blogging Platform for Entrepreneurs
CC BY-SA by Sicos

Top 3 Reasons Why WordPress Is the Best Blogging Platform for Entrepreneurs and Marketers

A WordPress-powered site is the cheapest and fastest way to launch your website and blog.

A WordPress-powered site differs from one using the free blogging site WordPress.com. Instead of your domain name being added as an extra extension to the WordPress.com site, i.e., YourDomainName.wordpress.com, you can use YourDomainName.com for your site.

More importantly, a WordPress-powered site uses the free WordPress software as a blogging platform and content management system.

  1. WordPress runs more than 66 million sites worldwide, including eBay, UPS, Forbes, CNN, TechCrunch, The New York Times, Mashable and many other top sites!
  2. WordPress offers over 33,000 plugins that help bloggers and site owners perform tasks easily or automatically — most plugins are offered for free.
  3. WordPress offers more that 2,677 free themes. There are also thousands of WordPress themes for sale. If you want a different design for your blog, you can install a new theme with one-click and change the way your blog looks in a matter of minutes.

GoDaddy Hosting and Domain Services: 99.9% Uptime and Excellent Service

I have used GoDaddy hosting and domain services for over 10 years. Of course, there are many good hosting providers out there and I’ve also used them in the past.

Disclosure: I have been an affiliate for multiple hosting providers I have used in the past. At this time, I use GoDaddy exclusively for all my domain registration and hosting needs; so, I continue to participate in their affiliate program. If you decide to purchase through my affiliate links, I will earn a commission. Thank you! I appreciate your support.

I prefer to use GoDaddy for all my blogs and sites because they’re very reliable. I use their Managed WordPress Hosting which offers more security and hacking protection (see details below).

I like having the option of calling the GoDaddy Customer Support 24/7 and solving any blog or site issues I’m having — while I’m on the phone with them. As a busy entrepreneur, I always prefer the easy way to accomplish any task.

Although chat and email support are also available, phone support is more convenient because it allows you to have your questions answered as well as problems solved quickly and easily.

GoDaddy is well-known for their 99.9% uptime and excellent service. You will get 24/7 Customer Support for FREE.

$1/mo WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy!

GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting: One-Click Installation, Increased Security and Hacking Protection

If you want to start a WordPress blog and website, the easiest way is by doing a one-click installation using GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting. You just click and BOOM — you have a WordPress blog and website! ?

Of course, you’ll get 99.9% uptime and excellent service from GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting. You will also get FREE 24/7 Customer Support.

Check out this Special Offer for $1 per month Managed WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy. You can get a FREE domain with an annual plan.

The main advantage of getting Managed WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy is that you can get more security and hacking protection for your blog and site:

  • FREE daily bасkuрѕ Đ°re done fĐŸr ŃƒĐŸur blĐŸg and website. Having backups allows you to restore your blog/site with one click at any time.
  • WordPress cĐŸrĐ” software Đ°nd security updates Đ°rĐ” done for ŃƒĐŸu Đ°utĐŸmĐ°tісаllу. As soon as a new WordPress software is released, your site will get the most up-to-date version.

AŃŃĐŸrdіng tĐŸ Google, ĐŸnĐ” ĐŸf the most ŃĐŸmmĐŸn wауѕ fĐŸr a hасkĐ”r to Đ°ttасk ŃƒĐŸur blĐŸg ѕіtĐ” is thrĐŸugh outdated and insecure software ĐŸn your ѕіtĐ”. Hacked blogs and sites are dĐ”-іndĐ”xĐ”d (removed) frĐŸm GĐŸĐŸglД’ѕ search results to protect their users.

MĐŸŃ•t blogs Đ°nd sites are vulnĐ”rĐ°blĐ” tĐŸ hасkіng bДсаuŃ•Đ” ѕДсurіtу-rĐ”lĐ°tĐ”d uрdĐ°tДѕ Đ°rД nĐŸt dĐŸnĐ” by blĐŸg and ѕіtĐ” ĐŸwnĐ”rѕ. ThДу are also nĐŸt dĐŸŃ–ng regular bасkuрѕ Đ°nd uрdĐ°tДѕ of their blogs. So, they end up getting hacked and lĐŸŃ•ing their Google ranking as well as their traffic, sales and income.

For many years before I transferred all of my blogs and sites to Managed WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy, I was just like other blĐŸg and ѕіtĐ” ĐŸwnĐ”rѕ. I was also not doing regular bасkuрѕ Đ°nd uрdĐ°tДѕ of my WordPress blogs.

I was foolish for doing that… and I paid dearly for my mistake.

One of my blogs ended up getting hacked! The hackers installed mĐ°lwĐ°rĐ” on my blog and it could not be removed; so, I had no other choice, but to delete my blog. ?

DĐŸn’t rіѕk іt bу nĐŸt increasing ŃƒĐŸur ѕДсurіtу Đ°nd hacking рrĐŸtДсtŃ–ĐŸn.

By getting Managed WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy, you can have peace of mind that you have increased blĐŸg site ѕДсurіtу Đ°nd hасkіng рrĐŸtДсtŃ–ĐŸn. The GoDaddy team will do DAILY bасkuрѕ of your blog site as well as perform software Đ°nd security updates AUTOMATICALLY.

Managed WordPress Hosting is usually as low as $4.99 per month. ACT NOW and you may be able to take advantage of this Limited-Time Offer:

Special Offer for $1 per month Managed WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy. You can get a FREE domain with an annual plan.

Blog Websites: Advice and Tips