Month: April 2020

6 Ways to Dominate Your Target Market and Skyrocket Your Sales

Imagine if you could dominate your target market and skyrocket your sales
 how big would the impact be on your business?

Would your business double
or get 10 times bigger?

By using low-cost high-impact digital marketing techniques for small businesses, you can dominate your target market and increase your business exponentially
 even if you have limited time, money and resources.

6 Ways to Dominate Your Target Market and Skyrocket Your Sales

Are you thinking that it would be impossible to dominate your target market. It might not be as hard as you think. Why? According to a study by (2018), 75% of your competitors are not marketing their businesses online and some are not even online (36% do not have a website). This means that your competitors are INVISIBLE to potential customers searching for products and services online. So, your target market may not be as saturated with competition as you may think.

Did you know?

Marketing can offer the biggest leverage in any business. Even a small improvement in marketing can have a MULTIPLYING effect on your sales and profits.

What can keep you from dominating your target market and growing a wildly profitable business?

Failure to market to yourself can be the biggest obstacle to growing your business. Entrepreneurs that fail to market to themselves are doomed to fail


What you market to yourself is going to affect many decisions you’re going to make about your business.

What have you noticed about your own behavior? Have you been aggressively promoting your business
 or do you often fail to take action?

Whether you usually take action or fail to take action reflects what you really think about your business, your products or services

What is the story you’re marketing to yourself?

If you’re not convinced that you’re bringing value to the world when you promote your business as well as your products or services, you will be an ineffective or even a terrible marketer.

According to Seth Godin in This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See (2018)

“We bring value to the world when we market. That’s why people engage with us.

If you don’t market the change you would like to contribute, then you’re stealing
 You’re stealing because there’s someone who needs to learn from you, engage with you, or buy from you.

Someone will benefit from you better if you get out of your way and market it.

 The marketer’s contribution is willingness to see and be seen.

To do that, we need to be able to market to ourselves, to sell ourselves every day. To sell ourselves on the difference we’re able to make, if we persist with generosity and care.

 If you’re having trouble making your contribution, realize your challenge is a story you’re marketing to yourself.”

If you’re having trouble marketing to yourself, these two articles can help you adjust your attitude:

Here’s something to think about

No matter what you’re trying to achieve as a business owner, you’re buying it with your own life. Like most entrepreneurs, you’re spending weeks, months and years of your life building your business.

Most likely, you and your loved ones are making many sacrifices
 so, you can achieve your dreams.

Wouldn’t it be foolish to do anything that would block your business success
 even unintentionally?

If you truly want to build a wildly profitable business, then you need to absolutely get out of your own way and market the value of what you’re contributing to your local community and to the world
 to yourself.

Give it all you’ve got

You must be absolutely convinced about the awesomeness of the products or services that you’re sharing with your prospects and customers. If not, your business is doomed to fail.

When you have absolute conviction that you’re making a difference in the lives of people who buy your products or services
 then you will be UNSTOPPABLE.

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”  ~Norman Vincent Peale

6 Ways to Dominate Your Target Market and Skyrocket Your Sales

#1. Don’t Set Yourself Up For Failure By Assuming That Your Target Market Is Too Crowded With Competitors to Dominate It.

You can avoid missing out on opportunities to dominate potentially profitable target markets by testing your assumptions. Test your marketing ideas and make decisions based on your results.

Most business owners don’t even bother trying to dominate their target markets. Instead, they settle for surviving on occasional sales and meager profits.


They’re assuming that it would be impossible to dominate their target markets. So, they end up missing out on potentially skyrocketing their sales and profits.

This is a big mistake!

Here’s what you need to know

Many markets APPEAR to be saturated with competition. However, most of your competitors are actually INVISIBLE to your potential customers.

How is this possible?

Most of your competitors are not promoting their businesses.

According to a study by (2018), 75% of small businesses are NOT investing in online marketing – only 25% promote their companies online


There are many misconceptions that keep entrepreneurs from marketing their businesses
 which leads to devastating consequences.

Failure to market leads to poor sales, profits and cash flow. In turn, this leads to millions of businesses struggling or even dying.

Here’s something even more surprising

Some of your competitors do not even have an online presence. More than 36% of small businesses do NOT have a website — less than 64% have a website (, 2018).

If 75% of your competitors are not marketing their businesses online and some are not even online (36% do not have a website)
 then your target market may not be as saturated with competition as it seems. So, dominating your target market may not be as hard as you might think.

“The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”  ~The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Here’s a way to think about it

Your potential customers are looking for your products and services online. If they can’t find them
 they can’t buy them.

If you’re not marketing your business online, it is INVISIBLE to your prospects

By advertising online, you can buy VISIBILITY (traffic) for your business

This can make it easy for your prospects to find your products or services online. Instead of going to your competitors, they can buy from your business

#2. Minimize Your Risk By Dominating ONE Small Target Market At A Time Then Expand From There.

You can use the profits from the first target market you dominate to expand your market share to other communities, cities, states, provinces and countries.

For example, you can work on becoming the most popular dentist (or pediatrician, lawyer, chiropractor, veterinarian, plumber, etc.) in your neighborhood
 then after you achieve that, you can expand to nearby communities.

You can be a big fish in a small pond. Then you can expand your reach by dominating other ponds.

#3. The Most Powerful Marketing Strategy For Dominating Your Target Market Doesn’t Have to Be the Most Expensive.

Even if you’re rich or you have huge funding from investors, it’s a bad idea to focus primarily on building your brand with marketing.

Brand marketing may or may not work. It’s hard to accurately track if it’s working. It can be costly because it takes a long time to generate any results.

“I know half my advertising is wasted – I just don’t know which half.”  ~John Wanamaker, a 19th century US store merchant considered to be the father of modern advertising.

Instead, focus on direct-response marketing that can generate leads, customers, sales and profits
 within hours or days. You can accurately track and measure your results down to the penny. So, you can minimize your cost and avoid wasting money.

It’s more cost-effective to build your brand with your customers once you acquire them. By providing great products and services, you can create a powerful brand identity and loyalty with your customers.

To cut your marketing cost further, use direct-response marketing combined with digital marketing

What Is Direct-Response Digital Marketing?

Direct-Response Digital MarketingBy using direct-response digital marketing strategies, you have the power to generate customers whenever you want and overcome the biggest roadblock to getting more sales and profits. It doesn’t matter if you have an UNKNOWN brand
 it doesn’t matter if you have a new business with ZERO customers
 it doesn’t matter if you have a new blog or site with ZERO traffic, you can still generate leads, customers, sales and profits.

What Is Direct-Response Marketing?

Direct-response marketing (also known as direct-to-consumer or direct marketing) sends its promotional message directly to potential customers. It is designed to get an immediate response from them through a clear call-to-action, such as, buy a product, call a phone number, sign up for a service or fill out a request for more information.

The results from direct marketing can be measured directly based on the response rate.

Examples of direct marketing businesses that directly solicits orders for merchandise include Amazon, eBay, Apple, Dell, Home Shopping Network (HSN), etc.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for marketing products or services online using the Internet as well as mobile phones and any other digital media.

Digital marketing strategies include search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) search and display advertising as well as other promotions involving digital media. This includes PPC Facebook advertising online and on mobile devices.

Combined, direct-response marketing and digital marketing can boost your results
 while cutting your cost way down.

Direct-response digital marketing offers the SIMPLEST, FASTEST and CHEAPEST path to getting more leads, customers, sales and profits for your business.

You can get started for about $5 a day or less.

#4. Focus On Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Instead of Search Engine Optimization (SEO): You Need to Generate Traffic, Leads, Sales and Profits That You Can Control

This is the most common marketing mistake online

Most entrepreneurs make the mistake of focusing on free marketing strategies, such as, creating lots of content and using search engine optimization (SEO). They’re hoping to get free traffic from Google
 and hoping to get some sales.

The problem is that creating lots of content is so time-consuming. It’s like a full-time job in itself. You can end up with never having time for anything else. It’s just not sustainable when you’re busy running a business.

What’s even worse? Most entrepreneurs FAIL to get any results.

Free marketing strategies are not really free.

They can waste a lot of your time
 and they can end up costing you a lot of money in lost opportunities. They can delay your progress and even keep your business from becoming successful.

What Is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising?

Pay-per-click (PPC) (also known as cost-per-click (CPC)) advertising is a digital marketing strategy in which advertisers show ads for their products or services when people enter relevant queries into search engines to search for things online.

Here’s how it works

When your ad is clicked and a visitor is sent to your website, you pay the search engine a small fee. That’s why it’s called “pay-per-click.”

When your PPC advertising campaign is working for you, what you pay for the click is trivial because the visit to your site can be worth more to your business than what you pay for it.

For example: if you pay $2 per click, but 10 clicks generate one lead that costs you $20 and results in a $200 sale
 then using PPC advertising is a no-brainer for growing your profitable business.

With pay-per-click advertising, you can buy traffic and visits to your site
 whenever you want. You can get rapid results
 usually within hours or days.

With search engine optimization (SEO) of your website, you usually have to wait weeks, months or longer to “earn” traffic or visits organically.

Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC. For example, the sponsored ads you usually see at the top of search results for Google or Bing are pay-per-click ads.

PPC display advertising and Facebook advertising are other forms of PPC digital marketing.

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves optimizing your website in order to achieve a high ranking in search engines and “earn” traffic organically.

Websites that are ranked highly in search listings are the most relevant to your search; they typically get the most traffic and visits from searchers.

Unlike pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, you can’t pay to get a higher ranking in organic search listings.

You can’t get rapid results because you can’t buy traffic and visits to your site whenever you want.

The Main Difference Between Pay-Per-Click Traffic and Organic SEO Traffic

The easiest way to understand the main difference between pay-per-click traffic and organic SEO traffic is with a simple comparison: water from the faucet versus water from the rain.

Pay-per-click traffic is like water from the faucet

You have complete control over the amount of water you get, how fast you get it and how long you let the water flow. You can turn it on and off whenever you want.

With pay-per-click traffic, you can slow the flow if you’re getting more traffic than you want. You can increase the flow if you want more traffic.

Organic SEO traffic is like water from the rain

You have no control over the amount of water you get. You don’t know when or if it will come. You don’t know how long the rain will last or how much water you’ll get. You don’t know if you’ll have a drought from prolonged shortage of water. You don’t know if you’ll have flooding from overwhelming amount of water.

With organic SEO traffic, you can’t increase or slow the flow of traffic.

What’s even worse?

Even if your website achieves a high ranking from search engine optimization (SEO) and your business is getting lots of traffic and visitors, you never know if and when you can lose everything.

If Google changes their algorithm, you can lose your site traffic at any time.

Every time Google changes their algorithm, millions of businesses lose their site traffic as well as their sales, profits and income.

After every Google algorithm changes, many big businesses have gone bankrupt because they lost their traffic and millions of dollars of income from their sites.

This is the reason why many well-known sites have disappeared — their traffic has dried up. For example, I used to write a column for
 this site is now gone (it re-directs to a new site). Gone!

Many well-known sites are now just sad inhabitants of the Internet graveyard

Google will continue to update and make changes to their algorithm. So, many more sites will lose their traffic and income
 then disappear from the Web.

You do not want that to happen to your own site.

Traffic that you can control is essential for generating reliable and predictable leads, customers, sales and profits for any business.

The Benefits of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising for Small Business Owners

Of course, free SEO traffic is good
 if you can get it.


Relying only on organic SEO traffic is like building your business on shifting sands – it’s too risky and unpredictable.

It’s too risky to build any business based on traffic, leads, sales and profits that may or may not come
 or may disappear at any time.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising Offers Several Advantages Over SEO

  • PPC advertising can offer rapid results
 usually within hours or days. In contrast, SEO can take weeks or months to start working. It’s hard to build a business while hoping and waiting for traffic, leads, customers, sales and profits to come in.
  • PPC advertising is almost 100% controllable. In contrast, even SEO experts and high-priced SEO marketing companies can’t guarantee you a high search engine ranking.
  • The return on investment (ROI) from a PPC advertising campaign can be far more easily controlled than an SEO campaign (if you’re paying SEO marketing companies).
  • PPC advertising can be a SELF-FUNDING marketing system – yes, it can pay for itself as well as generate sales and profits for your business.

Getting highly controllable traffic, leads, customers, sales and profits from PPC advertising is extremely important for business owners.

If you’re a solo entrepreneur or you have a small team for your business, having too much traffic, leads and customers – yes, it can happen! – can create big problems for you.


If you’re overwhelmed with work from too many customers and you can’t provide good service, you can end up with a bad reputation for your business
 and that can make it harder for you to get more customers and referrals in the future.

You have a lot of flexibility and control with PPC traffic.

You can decrease or turn off your traffic when you want to take a vacation, take some time off, spend time with your loved ones, deal with an illness or injury as well as when you have more than enough work and customers that you can handle.

Getting highly controllable traffic that allows you to increase, decrease or pause your lead generation and customer acquisition is crucial for dominating your target market and growing your business.

#5. You Can Divide and Conquer Competitive Target Markets Using Market Segmentation

When you’re competing for traffic and sales in a saturated market, you can divide and conquer different segments (sub-groups) of that competitive market.

By targeting distinct segments of your market with a differentiated value proposition communicated in your marketing message, you can set your business apart from hordes of competitors. You can also dramatically increase your conversions and sales
 while decreasing your cost.


Different segments of your target market will have different needs, desires, frustrations, fears and issues.

You can promote the same product or service to different segments of your target market. However, your advertising, sales page and other marketing materials need to be customized specifically for them.

Since different market segments have different desires, frustrations, fears and issues
 you need to focus on what matters to them. You need to “speak their language” and use keywords that relate to them.

Here’s an example

The Weight Loss Market Is Saturated With Competition: You Can Target Different Segments to Maximize Your Sales While Minimizing Your Cost

Marketing cost is high for business owners competing for traffic, conversions and sales in the billion-dollar weight loss market.


Most entrepreneurs put a single marketing campaign targeting the weight loss traffic.

Many entrepreneurs use long-tail keywords to decrease their PPC advertising cost, but they still may not be very profitable. The problem is that they don’t create multiple differentiated campaigns.

This is a big mistake!

Different kinds of people are trying to lose weight and they have many different reasons for doing it.

By creating multiple campaigns targeting different segments of your target market, your products or services can help customers with different needs, desires, frustrations, fears and issues.

For the weight loss market, you can have multiple campaigns targeting the following segments or sub-groups:

  • Weight loss for new moms, weight loss for teens, weight loss for brides to be, weight loss for single women, weight loss for single men, weight loss for busy professionals, weight loss for mature men, weight loss for mature women, weight loss for 40+, weight loss for 50+, weight loss for diabetics, weight loss for reunion, etc.
  • Losing abdominal fat, losing belly fat, losing body fat, losing visceral fat, losing back fat, losing face fat, losing baby weight, losing pregnancy weight, losing muffin top, losing love handles, losing man boobs, etc.
  • Boosting metabolism, eating healthy, living longer, decreasing high cholesterol, decreasing high blood pressure, end erectile dysfunction, etc.
  • Lose fat and build muscle, lose fat and get 6-pack abs, lose cellulite, lose 10 pounds, lose 50 pounds, lose over 100 pounds, etc.
  • Nutritional supplements, weight loss supplements, Garcinia, green coffee, etc.

You can divide and conquer competitive target markets. This is an effective method for dramatically boosting your sales while cutting your cost.

#6. Set Yourself Up For Success: Focus On Desperate Buyers and Other “Low-Hanging Fruit” In Your Target Market

The biggest mistake marketers make is targeting everyone. Your potential customers are moving through different buying stages or phases.

Buying Phases of Customers: Focus On Desperate Buyers and Other “Low-Hanging Fruits” In Your Target Market

If you create advertising campaigns without considering the different buying phases of your target market, you will waste a lot of money and fail.

Based on 20 years of research done by sales expert and author of The Ultimate Sales Machine, the late Chet Holmes, potential customers in your target market are moving through the following buying phases:

  • 3% are ready to buy.
  • 7% are open to buying, but they’re not looking.
  • 30% are not thinking of buying.
  • 30% think they’re not interested.
  • 30% know they’re not interested.

You can dramatically boost your results by understanding the conversations in people’s minds and their readiness for buying. Your marketing message should meet them where they are in the buying stages.

Here’s a marketing hack I started using when I was a newbie

Since I was just starting out and didn’t know much about marketing, I needed a way to stack the odds in my favor. So, I focused primarily on targeting potential customers that were ready to buy as well as those desperate to buy

Here’s how it works

The easiest way to increase your sales and profits quickly is by focusing your marketing on desperate buyers and other “low-hanging fruits” in your target market. They’re most likely to buy.

Marketing to desperate buyers is extremely profitable because they are hyperactive buyers. They usually buy more, buy faster and buy more often…

If you’re not marketing to prospects who are most likely to buy your products or services, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. You’re limiting your sales, profits and cash flow.

Stop throwing your money away

By targeting your most profitable potential customers, you can skyrocket your sales quickly
 while cutting your cost way down and boosting your profits way up.

You can maximize your sales and profits by focusing your marketing only on your best prospects.

Who are your best prospects?

Your best prospects are the most interested, hungry and desperate to buy your products or services. They convert easier and faster; so, they’re the “low-hanging fruit” in your target market.

If you focus on marketing to desperate prospects, you can increase sales and profits quickly
 whether you’re an advanced marketer or just starting out.

Desperate prospects include people with pressing issues or embarrassing problems; they’re extremely motivated to find solutions to their problems.

Desperate prospects also include passionate collectors and hobby enthusiasts; they’re driven by extreme passion to get what they absolutely have to have.

When your marketing is focused on desperate prospects who are begging
 or just wanting something passionately
 you can dramatically increase your chances of success.

Desperate prospects buy on impulse because they’re in an emotionally charged state of mind. They’re driven by extreme passion or desperation. So, they’re ready to buy now!

Some examples of desperate ready-to-buy prospects include:

  • People searching online for a plumber because they have a clogged toilet or an urgent flooding problem. They’re desperate to solve their plumbing problem(s).
  • People locked out of their home or car and searching online for a locksmith who can help them right away.
  • People searching online for a personal injury lawyer after getting injured in a train, car, boat or truck accident.

By targeting desperate buyers and other “low-hanging fruits” in your market, you can increase your sales and profits quickly
 even if you’re a novice marketer.

“This is how I generated lots of sales and profits
 even as a new marketer. This marketing hack was a game changer for me!”  ~Allie Mendoza

I started using this marketing hack in 2010. When I was a newbie, I was a terrible marketer. I didn’t really know much about advertising and marketing. It takes time to learn and improve your marketing skills.

What helped me generate lots of sales even as a new marketer?

I understood that desperate buyers do not really care that your advertising is not very good. They just want a solution for a problem that they’re desperate to solve.

Especially if you’re just starting out as a marketer, it’s extremely important to find ways to stack the odds in your favor when you’re creating your marketing campaigns.

It doesn’t matter if your target market is overcrowded with competitors

If you focus on targeting desperate buyers and other “low-hanging fruit” in your market, you have the power to skyrocket your sales and profits quickly
 whether you’re an experienced marketer or a complete beginner.

How Do You Find Desperate Buyers and Other “Low-Hanging Fruit” In Your Target Market?

All marketing campaigns begin with the same thing: market research.

By using free online tools, you can perform target market research to discover WHO your best prospects are
 and WHAT they want. It’s the best way to learn what they want you to offer and sell to them.

Here’s a simple formula for dominating your target market and generating game-changing sales and profits

  • Discover WHO your best prospects are – Find segments of your target market who are the most interested or desperate potential customers for your products or services.
  • Discover WHAT they want to buy — What solutions, products or services are they looking for?
  • Offer and sell them what they’re looking for.
  • Repeat
 over and over again.

When you know WHO your best prospects are and WHAT they want to buy, you can segment your market into multiple sources of sales and profits.

You can divide and conquer competitive markets. You can find UNTAPPED markets and expand your universe of potential customers EXPONENTIALLY.

You can focus on the BIGGEST opportunities for generating game-changing sales and profits for your business.


Marketing can offer the biggest leverage in any business. Even a small improvement in marketing can have a MULTIPLYING effect on your sales and profits.

Direct-response digital marketing offers the SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST and FASTEST path for dominating your target market and multiplying your sales and profits
 even if you have limited time, money and resources.

Self-Funding Marketing System: 6 Ways to Dominate Your Target Market and Make Your Competition Irrelevant

By putting in place a self-funding digital marketing system, you can have a reliable process that pays for itself as well as brings in a steady stream of sales and profits every day. It’s like getting paid to get UNLIMITED customers and dominate your target market.

By using direct-response digital marketing strategies, you have the power to generate leads and customers whenever you want
 and overcome the biggest roadblocks to getting more sales and profits.

It doesn’t matter if you have an UNKNOWN brand
 it doesn’t matter if you have a new business with ZERO customers
 it doesn’t matter if you have a new blog or site with ZERO traffic, you can still generate leads, customers, sales and profits.

You can get started for as little as $5 a day
 or even less.


By using the profits coming from your sales, you can grow your sales and profits
 over and over again.

This is how you can start with a tiny budget
 and just keep recycling it to grow your profits.

Once you have a profitable campaign, you can end up with an UNLIMITED marketing budget by recycling your initially tiny budget. You can keep re-investing your profits
 and keep making more and more money.

If you could make $2 profit for every $1 you spend promoting your business
 how much money would you spend to keep making more and more money?

Of course, you would spend as much money as possible
 and you could keep multiplying that $1 into $2, $4, $10 and more!

What can keep you from dominating your target market and growing a wildly profitable business?

If you’re like most small business owners and you’re not marketing your small business, you’re limiting your sales, profits and cash flow

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” ~Napoleon Bonaparte

Of course, you need to avoid making the same mistakes.

Here’s a common misconception

Most small business owners assume incorrectly that marketing is an expense they can’t afford

FACT: Marketing is a revenue generator. It’s not an expense, but an investment that can generate sales and profits for your business.

According to Google, the average business makes $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on Google advertising.

If you’re investing in email marketing, you can generate $38 for every $1 spent. This is an astounding 3,800% return on investment (ROI) (, 2019).

If you’re not marketing your business online, you’re making a huge mistake

You’re letting your competitors “steal” your customers. You’re letting them rob you of sales and profits that you deserve


Your potential customers are looking for your products and services online. If they can’t find them
 they can’t buy them.

If you’re not marketing your business online, it is INVISIBLE to your prospects

Why not buy rapid results?

By advertising online, you can buy VISIBILITY (traffic) for your business

This can make it easy for your prospects to find your products or services online. Instead of going to your competitors, they can buy from your business

The main goal of marketing is to have a self-funding system

Why is this crucial for dominating your target market and growing a wildly profitable business?

When you have a self-funding marketing system, you can have a RELIABLE process that pays for itself (so, it’s free)
 and also brings in a steady stream of sales and profits every day.

What’s even better?

You can keep re-investing your profits to get even more sales
 day after day
 month after month

This is the key to EVERLASTING business growth!

If you’re not marketing your business and it’s not generating sales and profits that you deserve, it takes a heavy toll on your health, your relationships and every aspects of your life

Did you know?

It only takes ONE customer-generating campaign to get game-changing sales and profits for your business.

Once you have even just a single marketing campaign bringing you more customers day after day
 your business and your life can change dramatically.