Tag: targeted traffic

7 Ways to Increase Targeted Traffic and Sales

Learning how to get more targeted traffic to your landing page can dramatically increase your sales and profits.

Driving massive traffic to your site can be USELESS, if it’s the wrong traffic for your product or service. If you’re not driving TARGETED traffic to your blog or site, you’re not going to make any money selling products and services… not one thin dime. You can increase your sales by driving targeted traffic to your landing page or sales page. Targeted traffic consists of people more likely to buy your product or service.

Most new entrepreneurs think that if they can just drive a lot of traffic to their blog or website, they can finally start “making big bucks.” This is not necessarily true.

Most visitors to your blog or website are NOT considered targeted traffic. They landed on your blog or site for a number of reasons. More often than not, they’re not really there to buy anything.

Some entrepreneurs drive massive amounts of traffic to their sites, but they’re still not making much money.

How is that possible?

Even if their visitors are big fans of their sites, many are just looking for entertainment or free content.

For example, I came across a blogger years ago who was complaining that he had over one million visitors to his site one day… and made no money from his traffic. What???

When I visited his site to see what kind of mistakes he was making, I noticed that it was not clear as to what he was really trying to sell.

Instead of using a landing page, he had multiple links to other pages on his site; it was not clear what he wanted his visitors to do next. So, it was not very surprising that he didn’t earn anything.

When your visitors are confused about what they need to do on your site, they will not take any action. They will usually do nothing and just leave your site.

What happened to the blogger who failed to make any money after getting a million visitors?

He didn’t mention the type of traffic he was getting on his site. Most likely, he did not get targeted traffic… which can also explain why he didn’t make any sales.

Driving massive traffic to your site can be USELESS, if it’s the wrong traffic for your offer…

If you’re not driving TARGETED traffic to your blog or site, you’re not going to make any money selling products and services — not one thin dime.

The word “offer” is a business term that refers to a product or service sold in the marketplace combined with any discount, bonus and other buying incentives.

By presenting your product or service as an offer with buying incentives added, you can make it more attractive or potentially irresistible to your potential customers.  ~Allie Mendoza

Why It’s Important to Get Receptive and Targeted Traffic to Your Landing Page

It’s not enough that you drive just any traffic to your sales page. By getting targeted traffic, you can increase the quality of people for your marketing campaigns and increase your sales.

What constitutes targeted traffic?

This consists of prospects that are more likely to be receptive to your offer; they are more likely to buy or sign-up for it. For example, if you’re selling dog-related items, your targeted traffic would be people who are dog lovers or dog owners.

Getting traffic consisting of people interested in computers, knitting, fashion, reptiles, cats, etc. can probably get you some prospects for your dog-related items, but not to the same extent as getting targeted traffic of dog lovers or dog owners.

Here’s another way to understand this…

If you’re trying to sell to non-targeted prospects, you have a more difficult task of having to CREATE desire. If you’re selling to your targeted market, you can capitalize on an EXISTING desire.

7 Ways to Get Targeted Traffic to Your Landing Page

Many marketers send non-targeted traffic to their websites without getting any results. Instead, you can increase your sales by driving targeted traffic to your landing page.

  1. Email marketing — Many marketers have their own email lists of prospects interested in one niche, such as, weight loss, fitness, relationships, etc. So, sending targeted traffic to their offers is as easy as writing an email and sending subscribers of their list to their landing page. This is why “the money is in the list” because it allows you to easily send targeted traffic to an offer your subscribers are likely to buy.
  2. Solo advertising — If you do not have your own mailing list, you can send targeted traffic to your offers using solo advertising. For example, if you want more targeted prospects for your dog-related items, you can advertise in email newsletters that cater to dog-lovers. There are lots of email newsletters about so many different topics, including, gardening, dog training, weight loss, bodybuilding, dating, etc.
  3. Content marketing — If you’re doing content marketing, you can write articles about your niche to drive targeted traffic to your landing page. You can write articles and blog posts about different topics related to your niche and offers.
  4. Video marketing — You can create videos that are related to your niche to drive targeted traffic to your landing page. You can create and upload videos on YouTube about different topics related to your niche and offers.
  5. Banner and display advertising — If you’re advertising on the Google Display Network, you can use keywords related to your niche to show your text or banner advertising that will get the attention of people enjoying articles, videos and other content. Your ads will show up as Google Adsense on these sites. There are many display and banner advertising platforms other than Google.
  6. Facebook and social media advertising — You can use Facebook and other social media networks to get targeted traffic.
  7. PPC search marketing — If you’re doing pay-per-click (PPC) search advertising on Google, Bing or Yahoo search network, you can use not only niche-related keywords but also keywords specific to your product or service.

If you have a good sales copy or presentation on your landing page about a product or service, getting targeted traffic can dramatically increase your sales.

You always need to drive targeted traffic specific for your niche and offer. You also need to have a different landing раgе fоr a different target audience.


Different niches respond to different things. Yоu wіll need tо do lоtѕ оf tеѕtіng tо create an optimized landing раgе as well as marketing campaign.

Getting targeted traffic is like fishing. You only want to fish in saltwater or freshwater full of fish that you specifically want. Similarly, you need to get targeted traffic from marketing platforms where your desired prospects are congregating.

By getting more targeted traffic to your landing page (sales page), you can increase the quality of prospects for your marketing campaigns (promotions) and increase your sales.